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core values 

We consider core values in the personal standards section of the GL model to mean the guiding principles that dictate an individuals behaviour and actions.


All individuals involved within a learning community have a set of core values, whether they are leaders, staff or students.  Great Learning is enabled when the majority of individuals exhibit core values that support and are in tune with the concept of Great Learning. For example, individuals that have core values associated with being open-minded, optimistic and respectful are more likely to make positive contributions to teaching and learning within the GL model.


At Danube, core values are guided by the IB Learner Profile and form an intrinsic part in guiding the actions and behaviour conducted by students, staff and leaders.


It is however inevitable that new members of any learning community bring their own core values, some of which may not be conducive to the established principles designed to enable Great Learning. For example, in some cultures friendship and family is more important than integrity.  If a school places academic honesty as a central tenet of learning then there will clearly be clash of values and learning will be compromised.  However with help and guidance, it is hoped that all members are able to take on the core values that optimize Great Learning.


It is possible for core values to be negative in nature so we note that Great Learning will be enhanced when they are positive and aligned with Great Learning

Danny's Values

Danny's Values

IB Learner Profile

IB Learner Profile

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